Personal pronouns - nominative case |
Say that the people liked the things mentioned: |
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Hat Ihnen die Stadt gefallen? |
Did you like the city? Yes I (we) liked it. |
Ja, sie hat mir (uns) gefallen. |
Did he like the meal? Yes, he liked it. |
Ja, es hat ihm gefallen. |
Did she like the café? Yes, she liked it. |
Ja, es hat ihr gefallen. |
Did they like the trip? Yes, they liked it. |
Ja, sie hat ihnen gefallen. |
Did you all like the concert? Yes, we liked it. |
Ja, es hat uns gefallen. |
Did you like the play? Yes, I liked it. |
Ja, es hat mir gefallen. |
Did you like the lecture? Yes, I liked it. |
Ja, sie hat mir (uns) gefallen. |
Did you all like the film? Yes, we liked it. |
Ja, er hat uns gefallen. |
Did he like the television program? Yes, he liked it. |
Ja, sie hat ihm gefallen. |
Did you like the computer game? Yes, I liked it. |
Ja, es hat mir gefallen. |