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In Dresden möchte ich die Dresdner Staatskapelle hören. |
In Dresden I would like to hear the Dresden State Orchestra.
Yes, that I would like to hear too. |
Ja, die möchte ich auch hören.
In Berlin I would like to see The Porcupines.
Yes, I would like to see them too. |
Ja, die möchte ich auch sehen.
The Porcupines is a funny cabaret troop.
Yes, that is a funny cabaret troop. |
Ja, die ist eine lustige Kabarettgruppe.
At the Porcupines one laughs a lot.
Yes, there one laughs a lot. |
Ja, bei denen lacht man viel.
In Leipzig I would like to hear the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.
Yes, that I would like to hear too. |
Ja, das möchte ich auch hören.
I like to hear Beethoven played by the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.
Yes, I like to hear Beethoven by them too. |
Ja, von dem höre ich auch gern Beethoven.
The conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra demands perfection.
Yes, its conductor demands perfection. |
Ja, dessen Leiter verlangt Vollkommenheit.
In Munich I would like to visit the Alte Pinakothek.
Yes, that I would like to visit too. |
Ja, die möchte ich auch besuchen.
The art collection of the Alte Pinakothek is outstanding.
Yes, its art collection is outstanding. |
Ja, deren Kunstsammlung ist hervorragend.
In Vienna I would like to attend the Vienna State Opera.
Yes, that I would like to attend too. |
Ja, die möchte ich auch besuchen.