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l and r

l r
Spelling: l, ll Spelling: r, rr

Much lighter than English "l". Say "million", but touch the tip of the tongue to the ridge behind the upper teeth and flatten it to produce the German l sound.

Note: Pronouncing "l" too heavily is a salient characteristic of an American accent. Listen closely to the difference between the words in the left two columns below.


Before a vowel, pronounce by gargling slightly with the uvula at the back of the mouth.

Note: Pronunciation of an "r" before or between vowels with the lips rather than the uvula constitutes one of the strongest signs of an American accent. The lips should remain stationery. Pronouncing it properly in this environment needs extra practice.

If the r is in an unaccented syllable "swallow" it, as in British "here" (hee-uh)

Click the microphone to record your voice for up to 3 seconds, after which you will hear it played back

Click on the examples below to hear them pronounced.


Sentences containing the l-sound after a vowel
Sentences containing the initial r-sound
Sentences containing the r-sound after a vowel but not preceding another
Sentences containing -er in unaccented syllable

Goethe Institut