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l and r
l | r |
Spelling: l, ll | Spelling: r, rr |
Much lighter than English "l". Say "million", but touch the tip of the tongue to the ridge behind the upper teeth and flatten it to produce the German l sound.
Before a vowel, pronounce by gargling slightly with the uvula at the back of the mouth.
If the r is in an unaccented syllable "swallow" it, as in British "here" (hee-uh) |
Click the microphone to record your voice for up to 3 seconds, after which you will hear it played back
Click on the examples below to hear them pronounced. | |||||||
German | English |
Sentences containing the l-sound after a vowel
Sentences containing the initial r-sound
Sentences containing the r-sound after a vowel but not preceding another
Sentences containing -er in unaccented syllable